Friday, March 14, 2008


I think tomorrow we will have an ART DAY. I am reading Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Inglas Wilder with Little D right now and he stopped me to ask questions when the book says how Ma has set things for each day. Monday-wash. Tuesday-iron. Wednesday- churn. Thursday-bake. Friday-clean. Saturday- I can't remember. and Sunday- rest.

So, I thought this would be fun to do something like this with homeschooling.

Maybe something like this, in no particular order;

1- art.
2- science experiments.
3- gardening.
4- museum field trip day.

We would still our regular stuff but maybe make extra time after we do our bookwork to do something extra each day that is a certain day of the week so they can look forward to it.


  1. Is there really a Museum you haven't been to in reasonable distance?

  2. LOL! Yes, actually, quiet a few. Just off the top of my head; The Getty, The Watts Towers, The African-American Museum of Art, The Asian-American Museum of Art, some aviation museum (can't remember the name) the inside part of The Huntington in Pasadena, some car/oil museum in Santa Paula, want to see the butterfly exhibit at the California Natural History Museum, The Skirball, the Queen Mary and the other one right by it (I have free tickets to both but just have to schedule it because of the drive)... is that enough? LOL! I'm sure there is at least a dozen more too!

